Giving you the tools to attract - and maintain - healthy relationships.

I’ve said it many times, but I’ll say it again: how you love yourself, is how you teach others to love you. It’s that simple.

The key to understand your relationship patterns and breaking the toxic dating cycle is to learn from what happened in your previous relationships (with your family, in the first place) and re-wire your approach towards your relationships with others.

Whenever you…

  • Seek validation from your partner or family

  • Tend to please others in fear of rejection or abandonment

  • Think your significant other say nice things just to please you

  • Alternate between pushing you partner away and seeking reassurance

You are manifesting an attachment style that can be traced back to your younger years. 

Through coaching, you’ll reach the root cause of your behavior and what triggers it, so that you will:

  • No longer feel guilty to say “no” and set boundaries

  • No longer seeking external validation, because you love yourself enough

  • Have thriving relationships that enrich your life

  • No longer worried to please people and “conform” to society’s standard 

Hi, I’m Lizeth Felix!

I'm not just a professional, but a fellow struggler in this crazy thing called life.

Attachment Theory Expert, Relationship Coach and Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist (LMFT).

I grew up with one foot in the United States and the other in Mexico, blessed with the gift of bilingualism. Life has taken me on quite the adventure—from being a competitive swimmer representing Mexico in Central American competitions to attempting to start a sushi business (let's just say that wasn't quite my calling!).

Through trial and error, I've learned that life is a constant evolution, and it's essential to embrace who you are and believe you’re enough, even amidst the chaos.

Wanna hear the whole story?

As a human and a professional, I'm a passionate advocate for mental health, emotional balance, and inner healing.

Attachment Theory Expert Lizeth Felix	 Relationship coach on a pink velvet chair

I've personally experienced the struggles of toxic relationships, lacking boundaries, and a epic sense of self-doubt.

But today, I can proudly say those days are over, and better yet, I took some notes and learned a thing or two along the way.

The good news is, if you learn to love yourself and show up with worth, everything else will fall into place.

Throughout my career as a therapist, I've been guiding individuals battling addiction, counseling couples and families facing challenging situations, and even responding to psychiatric emergencies with local police departments.

It's been a wild ride!

But dealing with all of that, has taught me that many life situations don't neatly fit into a diagnostic box—they're simply called *life*.

‘Cause let's be honest, life doesn't come with a manual on embracing our authentic selves!

And that's where I come in.

As your Relationships Coach, I'll guide you on your journey of self-healing, identify and break free from unhealthy relationship patterns, establish rock-solid boundaries, and rediscover the transformative power of LOVE.

In our sessions, we'll dive deep into understanding and expressing emotions in a healthy way, finding calm amidst emotional pain, and rebuilding healthy relationships.

Now, I won't sugarcoat it—it won't be a walk in the park, but anything worth having, never comes easy, right?!

Lizeth Felix Relationship Coach Lizeth standing outside

Values I live by:

  • What I mean: I strive to provide you with actionable advice to create tangible change to build fulfilling relationships, and experience personal growth.

    How I embody it: I believe in my approach, because I am a living proof of how investing in personal growth, works. I’ve walked that path first and did the dirty work, so I can provide you with just the golden nuggets for your transformation.

  • What I mean: Respect forms the bedrock of healthy relationships. I value and honor the unique and out of the box perspectives, experiences, and boundaries of each person I work with. I believe that by treating others with respect, we create a safe space for growth, healing, and transformation.

    How I embody it: I strive to listen without judgment, and honor your boundaries. With empathy and sensitivity, I empower you to make your own choices and listen to your intuition.

  • What I mean: I believe that passion is a driving force behind meaningful connections and the key to creating vibrant, thriving relationships.I am committed to the success of every client that shows up at my sessions.

    How I embody it: By being a responsible and emotionally mature parent, by showing up everyday to my sessions on time, prepared, all in. By continuing my preparation as a coach, being part of seminars, supervisions, reading books, and attending my own coaching sessions to show up as the best Relationship Coach on the planet (shoot for the stars, right?!).

Take the driver seat and start a new transformative chapter towards a new YOU.

Book a no-strings-attached 30 minutes virtual chat to have a glimpse of my method.